Thursday, April 2, 2009

Extrovert vs. Introvert

Most people nowadays don't know what introversion and extroversion/extraversion is. Basically, the extroverts are the social ones, while the introverts are the quiet ones. Extroverts tend to be social, more focused on hands-on activities, and they prefer being with other people and can get bored when alone. Introverts tend to be quiet, more focused on their studies, they prefer being alone and can be overwhelmed by social situations. There have been studies showing a positive correlation between happiness and extroversion, while there is a positive correlation between intelligence and introversion. Bottom line: extroverts have more frequent happiness than introverts while introverts are more frequently intelligent than extroverts based on numbers, percents, and statistics. Extroverts outweigh the introverts 3 to 1, with 75% of people being extroverted and 25% being introverted. There are also statistics that say that extroverts are more wanted by society while introverts are more of the outcasts. Still, other statistics say that extroverts have a higher chance of committing delinquent acts. While introverts agree and accept that they are introverts, alot of extroverts deny they are extroverts, saying that there is no such thing. That mentallity can be summed up in this thought: "Humans are social creatures and those that do not participate are different".That thought is what has led many, many people (extroverts) to label introverts as "losers" or "loners" or "nerds" (even though the term nerd is not restricted to introverts). One way to think about the divide between extroversion and introversion is that the energy of extroverts flows outwards, while the energy of introverts flows inwards. It helps to know this, because then you can make a model representing extroverts and introverts. If extroverts are alone their energy that flows outwards will eventually keep going out until the person is fatigued/bored. If introverts are caught in social situations, their inward-flowing energy will become flooded with more and more energy being radiated by other extroverts. They say that boredom is contagious, a good way to see that is this: an introvert ("boring" person's) energy is flowing inward and if an extrovert ("fun" person's) energy flows outwards, the introvert will take in that energy while not giving energy in return, which causes the extrovert to become very bored, the introvert might or might not get nervous from the extroverted person's presence (flooded with energy going inward). But enough about that, sometimes a person does not fall into either extroversion or introversion. There is ambiversion as well. Ambiversion is having characteristic properties of both extroversion and introversion. Ambiverts can be perfectly balanced 50/50 or they can lean more towards one side than the other. After all, never forget, that introverts have been misunderstood and mislabeled, being greatly outnumbered by extroverts. Never forget, they have been burdened with the cruelty of extroverts that make fun of them. And never forget, this blog is only the beginning...

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